Original Characters & Personal Projects

This section contains original stories and characters of mine. It's divided between Original Characters (characters born without a purpose at all unlinked to any particular story) and Story Projects (short movies, cartoons and books ideas).
Click the images discover!

Original Characters


BOB is the first original character I created. I like to think he's a reflection of a personality of mine, a still carefree and sometimes childish one, always sunny and energetic. I chose a monkey because it's one of my favorite animals since I was young. The singularity of this character is that his name is reverse, his name isn't just "BOB", but "BOB". If I have to choose a favorite OC of mine, that would be him. He'd be the perfect mascotte.

Original Characters


Guy's story is the deepest of my OCs. I specifically made this character thinking about my missing childhood and so nostalgia, and being a vaporwave/liminal spaces lover, I connected him to these things too. Guy represents all those people like me lost in their thoughts, people living in nostalgia thinking how far the memories are, so beautiful yet unreachble. The screen of the computer is always now working but with a constant "white noise".

Original Characters


Arthur doesn't have a particular background like the other two, and does not represent a part of my consciousness, but he was born thanks to my passion of the 50's/60's music. I simply imagined him as if he was a secret agent or something similar. He just exists because he's a cool guy, and it's enough.

© Friky. All rights reserved.



"Benny" is a personal short film project inspired by my grandpa.
Benny (main character name) is an old man who lives alone surrounded by a society in costant progress. However, he refuses to follow the progress and upgrades, he's not able to do so.
His life keeps going pretty quietly, until he receives a special package mail with inside a robot of the newest generation. What happens when an old generation collides with a new one?


© Friky. All rights reserved.



"Hoop" is another Short film project of mine.
Gary is a young man who works as a writer. His routine is always the same, at times boring where nothing exciting happens.
His existence will be upset after the meeitng with a stray dog, who will rekindles the spark of the man, making him appreciate the small aspects of life again thanks to the old memories he forgot when he was a child.


© Friky. All rights reserved.



Dungeon is my very first ambitious project. Born when I was still a newbie with a single huge interest for anime and manga, I decided to create a personal adventure book where I could draw my characters and sagas. Over time this story has undergone various changes, and although it is the oldest project, it does not have a solid base compared to the previous two already mentioned. Still, it's a project I'm very much affectionated, and it grew with me and my drawing style over the time.
The story turns around a kid, Kiroh, who wants to be a great explorer and wants to discover the whole world he lives in, so mysterious, dangerous and unrexplored yet. He will travel with his companions Sam and Kratch, and will face his rival Aki and his companion Miya during his adventures.

© Friky. All rights reserved.


Blake and The Spirits' Wold

A very newborn fresh project. There isn't much material yet, but it wants to be a funny and teach lesson story for children where the protagonist, a kid named Blake, is able to see ghosts and to travel between the worlds.
Blake lives in a very old house in London with his parents, and knows the ghost of Sir. Edgar (an old owner of the house) since he was a kid. He has a friend, Carmen, who is her neighbour, and she owns a cat named Agatha.



A dystopian sci-fi story which tells a hopeless story about the main character and humanity.
"Entity" is a fun project I am working on, and it wants to be a manga. Because it's a very different project from usual, I consider this more like an "hobby", to continue when I have time and motivation.
The project at the moment it's still in its writing phase.


So many years far (but not that far) from us in the future, a cold story takes place. In a world where chaos and war reigns, humanity still didn’t learn its lesson. Another nuclear war put the world on its knees and the earth is miserably reduced. The lands are full of gas and toxic smokes, which are not healthy and livable for any living creature.
That’s why humanity felt forced to abandon the surface and find refuge in the underground. They established themselves there to quietly live underground. To establish order and control, an army was formed and took over everyday life. But it wasn’t the right time for them and the army was soon discussed by people, tired of the many armies and military authorities mining their lives putting them in danger because of their wars. The faction was put down by a revolution and normal people, then denominated “The Jolters”, started escalating to get power and rule the world: a world for citizens by citizens. A new era called “The New Renaissance” began, it was the smallest bright light after dark times.
Of course the dream was just a time bomb ready to explode due to the inefficiency of The Jolders, who had no idea on how to manage a country (or what was left) and soon discontent spreaded all over. Jolters started to get richer and so more corrupted, promising to build a better world but they ended up only making it worse. It’s when corporations were born: Jolters started to privatize life, making the primary goods accessible only via subscription to their newborn corporations and eternal submission (all this in the name of common peace for a better future life without troubles).
Jolters now became “The Untouchables” (common slang used by citizens by themselves), people who couldn’t be reached anymore due to their high status.
It’s where our story starts, a world which continues to be tormented by the greedy actions of men, but seems like it cannot be changed anymore. There’s discontent within the people, the poor are always poorer, the rich are always richer, but this is the chain of the strongest and if you’re not able to survive, the city will eat you up and no one will ever know that.
Space is a boy whose parents are unknown, they died when he was little due to the horrible life conditions of the city. It’s when a hybrid dog called Gildeon took the boy with him and became his big brother and took care of him. Gildeon’s job is mysterious, but seems like it’s nothing positive. Gildeon cares about Space, so he never brought the boy with him. During one mission, Space decided to follow him secretly, to find out later that Gildeon was an anarchic who was operating to slowly destroy the Corpos. The mission goes wrong and the two almost die during the mission, except that...

Space and other characters


Clients' Works

Gesture Exercises

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Keychains, Pins, Stickers & More

My own merch projects. Selling them at local art fairs.PAGE IN PROGRESS! Coming soon!